December 2024
Thank you very much Mrs Jackson for all that you’ve done this year with the students.
We are very thankful and grateful. It was truly wonderful to see our son grow and expand his horizon this year - who would have thought even the opportunity to go to Sydney. Thanks again! :)
Thanks to Mrs Wadeson and Mr Compston for their time and energy as well.
Kind regards
Jodie (parent of a Year 7 student)
June 2024
Good morning,
Just wanted to let you know that two mornings in a row I have seen two separate SDC students walking to school providing guidance to their younger siblings. On both occasions the students were holding what I presume to be their primary school aged siblings hands to cross the roads safely. One of the students had Sunbury Heights juniors on either side of them as they crossed the intersection of Mitchells lane and Lawson Street and the other student held the hand of a HTCPS student at the intersection of Elizabeth Drive and Mitchells Lane.
As a Holy Trinity Mum looking to send her kids to Sunbury Downs in 2026 I hope that they too will be responsible in guiding their younger brother to primary school. Great to see school values on display.
Well done to these two students.
(from a community member - name withheld)
March 2024
Thanks to both of you and all the staff we have crossed paths with so far, my children are settling in really well.
Every day we’ve been amazed at all the great things we hear about:
I honestly can’t believe what I’m hearing from them. Today was unfortunately not a great day for one of my children as she wasn’t well but I’m hoping we have strategies for tomorrow morning.
Overall, I’m hearing that they feel they will be able to get the most out of their learning because the teachers have a genuine interest and care, and that the friend groups they have already found are caring, kind and inclusive.
I have so much to thank you all for, especially Ms Smith and Mr Morgan. I know it’s early days, but it’s so much of a relief to see them both engaged and happy again.
If there is anything I can ever do to support the school, and the extraordinary work you all do, please let me know.
Kind regards
(Parent of Year 8 & Year 9 students)
March 2024
Dear Office Ladies,
Thank you for everything that you have done for me and everyone else, you are always there when someone needs it. You always have a smile on your faces and when I see that it makes me smile as well. It is thanks to you I am able to go home with a smile. Thank you so much for what you have done.
(from a Year 9 student)
December 2023
Dear Warwick,
My Grandfather, lives in the Retirement Village on Cornish Street in Sunbury and he was absolutely beaming when he was telling me all about the visit from some SDC students on Monday.
My Grandfather sung their praises (and that’s big coming from a former strict and old school Principal) and he thoroughly enjoyed playing lawn bowls and billiards with the students. He said that the morning tea was a perfect way to top off a great session and that the scones were delicious. My Grandfather was also very impressed with how James Ross interacted with the students and the mutual respect that was shown.
Unfortunately he can’t remember the students’ names (he turns 92 next week so he’s forgiven for forgetting). Please pass on my gratitude to all those involved. It really made my Grandfather’s week and I know he is looking forward to connecting with SDC students in the future.
I hope the rest of the year runs smoothly and that the finish line is in sight!
March 2023
Hi Warwick,
I just wanted to reach out and say a really big thankyou to you, your school and the amazing students that came to Boardman Reserve today to help run our athletics carnival.
Your students were excellent ambassadors and I feel went out of their way to help our students be successful.
I was so impressed with their behaviour and their consistent positive attitudes towards running events and engaging with the students and staff.
I let them have free access to the coffee van we organised for staff as a thank you for their efforts… was the least we could do.
Kind regards
Laban Toose
Principal, Sunbury Heights Primary School
October 2022
Hi Warwick
I was one of DET nurse facilitators that attend Sunbury Downs College on Tuesday and would like to start with I have never written an email in relation to the Love Bites delivery at a school.
I wanted to send this email to let you know how impressed I was with the students and staff on the day. I’ve been part of the implementation of the Love Bites program in Hume since the very beginning and was blown away by how respectful the students were, prepared for learning and the scaffolding that had obviously been done prior to the program being delivered, in fact it was the best school I’ve ever attended in relation to the respect, interaction with the content and culture. It’s a credit to your schools leadership, Michelle and the wellbeing team’s organisation and especially the students being so respectful.
Kind Regards
(name withheld) School Nursing Program | Health, Wellbeing & Specialist Services Branch
October 2022
Dear Wendy and all the lovely ladies at Sunbury Downs College Reception,
Thank you so much for your kind and cheerful assistance off and on over many years! Thank you on behalf of our son and our family. He has begun work now and is really enjoying it.
Best wishes,
(from the parents of a year 12 student)
October 2022
Dear Wendy,
A year 11 parent was singing your praises that he believes you have contributed and impacted the way that his son is around women now. He said he has noticed he is a lot better and more respectful generally! I thought this was a really nice thing to let us know as often what you do goes under the radar!
(via Reception)
July 2022
I am passing on some wonderful feedback about SDC I received today from a year 9 parent. She phoned asking me to pass on the message that she thinks Riedwaan is “awesome” and she can't speak highly enough of the wonderful staff and teachers at the school. She stated she “couldn’t be happier” with the support and dedication of the teachers and tells everyone who asks, how wonderful SDC is.
Always nice to be appreciated!
(via Reception)
May 2022
Good evening,
We have recently been attending the local college's information sessions and I just wanted to let you know how professional yours was. The way each faculty spoke to the curriculum was very valuable and the guided tour with students and staff was great. It far exceeded both our expectations and the other sessions we attended elsewhere.
Our family don't begin the secondary education journey until 2024 but you've definitely made a lasting impression on us.
Thanks again,
(email from a parent who attended Open Night, 2/5/2022)
May 2022
The open night you had on Monday was exceptional, and I wanted to let you know. Sunbury Downs had an exceptional Open Night, which was very well organized and provided detailed information.
This school delivers on its scope and objectives. As you could tell by the way he spoke, he lived and breathed every word he spoke. You truly believed the principal was passionate about the school and his team.
Sunbury College was my top choice, so I attended your open night just to check it off. After attending, I would like my son to attend your school.
Thank you
(email from a parent who attended Open Night, 2/5/2022)
April 2022
I received a phone call from a gentleman this morning, who chose not to give his name. He provided some really positive feedback regarding Jesse and Claire’s public speaking at the ANZAC Service yesterday. The caller wished to pass on that the College Captains spoke beautifully and “did the school proud” and that Jesse, in particular, “made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up”.
(via Reception)
March 2022
Thank you so much to the Office and the Well Being Officer for organising my children's text books from their lockers for collection from the office so they had access to their learning items whilst we are in lockdown. This was an anxious situation for my daughter as she was concerned about not getting her school work done and having you help in this way has made a significant difference, thank you.
Kind regards
(email from a year 9 & 11 parent)
February 2022
Dear Warwick,
Thank you so much for your call this morning. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this.
Also I wanted to thank the office staff; everyone I have spoken to since my daughter started at Sunbury Downs has been so helpful & lovely on the phone.
(email from a year 7 parent)
November 2021
I have just taken a call from the crossing lady who mans the charter road east/Elizabeth drive crossing. She said there are two students who always make the effort to wave and say hello to her, and she had a great experience this morning and wanted to pass on the positive feedback.
These two students had walked down and waved on the way past, then turned around and walked all the way back and offered her an umbrella because it was raining. The crossing lady said this really touched her heart that they were so thoughtful and generous to leave their umbrella with her, she had to decline as she has one hand for the sign and one for the whistle. She couldn’t believe they had gone out of their way in the rain to walk back to her just to offer their umbrella.
One of them was a Middle Years Captain and had about 5 badges, the other student had 2 badges that were green and red. She was extremely complimentary and said they are always very lovely and polite and wanted to recognise the wonderful experience she had.
Thank you
(via Reception)
November 2021
I felt it was important to give some positive feedback to the school.
I cannot emphasise enough, how incredible the school reception staff are. Every single time I have called (and it has been a lot 😆) they are incredibly friendly and helpful. It is not an exaggeration, it has been every single interaction.
Whilst I understand a lot of people think such service should be a given, the reality as we all know, is very different. Throughout the girls primary years, when calling or dealing with a school office, the general demeanour of office staff seemed to be very grumpy and irritable.
I really needed to share this because I'm so grateful to continually speak to friendly, professional, respectful and highly competent office staff . They do exceed expectations and go above and beyond the norm. Thank you to Jess and Abbi in particular, they're doing a fantastic job and really are a wonderful representation of the school!
Kind regards
(email from a year 7 & 8 parent)
August 2021
The purpose of this email is to call out the exemplary job the teachers and staff at the College are doing at the moment.
I’ve been involved with a number of community groups through my work and have been privy to some of the different methodologies of delivering remote learning to students in Vic and Tas. I want to emphasise that the way your teaching team are going about delivering remote learning is second to none.
Through very trying times for teachers, it’s obvious to many within the community that the planning, teamwork and commitment to delivering a high standard of education is front of mind with all of your team.
Thanks very much and keep setting the bar high.
(email from a year 7 parent)
February 2021
Welcome back to another lovely week of confusion plus all round.
Thank you for the wonderful support that you are showing all students and these very up and down times. No small feat for teachers all round.
Again, thankyou for the wonderful effort and support you provide our children.
(email from a year 8 parent)
September 2020
Hope you and the school community enjoy a quiet and relaxed break.
Please pass on our thanks to all the staff for their committment and dedication over this second round of remote learning.
Kind regards
(email from a year 8 parent)
April 2020
Just to let you know that I have just had a conversation with a Year 7 parent about their finances and she wanted me to let you all know that you are doing an awesome job.
She is very appreciative of all of the work that has been done by all of the staff to get the work out to the students and the support that she has been offered.
She sends a great big THANK YOU
(via Reception)